
New updates and improvements to ZEBEDEE

ZEBEDEE Infuse v1.6.2

Releases 🙌

Today we release version 1.6.2 of the ZEBEDEE Infuse product. This is a minor release that aims to improve the experience of those having issues withdrawing sats from their Infuse wallets, as well as introduce some dynamic content around other Bitcoin games. Details from this release follow below.

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Explore more Bitcoin games

While CSGO is an amazing game, especially in its Infused format, one of the goals of Infuse is to provide Bitcoin gaming for every type of gamer, not just those that love first-person shooters. With this in mind we rolled out a new section called `Explore More Bitcoin Games` that lives in the Game Selection screen. This content is dynamic and we will be putting curated games in this list. Click on any of them to be directed to their respective download page and get started earning sats on other games.


Proper warning/error messaging on failed withdrawals

A few users were having issues performing withdrawals on the last Match Time event and have reported the bug related to it. This has been fixed and is shipped on v1.6.2 of Infuse. The actual issue was that the error message was being suppressed and not displayed to the user, so the user was unaware of the error. Most of these users were simply hitting withdrawal limits, and need to wait till the next day to withdraw the rest of their winnings. Remembering that every Infuse user has a base 250k sats withdrawal limit per day. You can win as many sats as you want playing CSGO, but only withdraw that much at once per day.


Dynamic introduction content

The introduction module inside Infuse has been rebuilt and is now backed by dynamic content, which means we will be making changes to the imagery/text/links whenever we have major events like Match Time and/or MintGox.


- ZBD Team