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ZEBEDEE Infuse 1.6.3

Releases 🙌

Today we release version 1.6.3 of ZEBEDEE Infuse. This is a patch version release with some minor fixes and changes outlined below. Infuse gamers should have the software auto-update on the next restart of the application. Details follow below.


New BTC USD price ticker

We've revamped our BTC USD ticker APIs to provide better price information for currency conversions.

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Server ordering by ping

The Current Matches page will now sort Infused CSGO servers by ping from lowest to highest. This will ensure users choose the server that is most likely to provide best playing experience and FPS.

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Alerting users near maximum Infuse balance

This version we also solved a bug that was seen by some heavy Infuse gamers. After reaching the maximum wallet balance of 250,000 satoshis, gamers would join servers and instead of winning satoshis, the payout transaction would silently fail on the background. Instead, what happens now is that ZEBEDEE Infuse will disallow a gamer from entering another server if the payouts could potentially lead their balance to be larger than the maximum allowed amount. This would remain until the user withdraws their balance.

Reminder: ZEBEDEE Infuse is not a wallet, make sure to constantly withdraw your sats to the ZEBEDEE Wallet for iOS or Android.


- ZBD Team